



"THE FUTURE OF THE FAR EAST"(Part of the end)

 I believe also that the future is for the Far East, ――not for the Far West. At least I believe so as far as China is concerned. In the case of Japan, I think, there is a possible danger, ――the danger of abandoning the old, simple, healthy, natural, sober, honest way of living. I think Japan will be strong as long as she preserves her simplicity. I think she will become weak if she adopts imported ideas of luxury. The wise men of the Far East, ――Confucius and Mencius and the Founder of the Buddhist faith, ――have one and all preached the importance to national strength and happiness, of avoiding luxury and of being content with what is necessary for common comfort and for intellectual enjoyment. Their ideas are also those of the Western thinkers of today.

 ――Well, in making these remarks to you, ――representing not merely my own ideas, but those of wiser and better men than I can ever be, ――I thought of what has been called the Kyushu Spirit. I have heard that simplicity of manners and honesty of life were from ancient time the virtues of Kumamoto. If this be so, then I would conclude by saying that I think the future greatness of Japan will depend on the preservation of that Kyushu or Kumamoto spirit, ――the love of what is plain and good and simple, and the hatred of useless luxury and extravagance in life.


